ContactsTap Version 1.2

The testing for this update is finally done. We have tested this release using 3000 contacts which were synced using Windows Vista and Outlook 2007. The testing proved that from now on, our application can successfully sync contacts from Outlook 2007.

These are the latest improvements:

  • Fixed the problem with syncing contacts from the Outlook 2007.
  • Some of the application’s low level functions were sped up, so we can expect faster response from the app when it supposed to load a group with a large number of contacts.
  • We found a solution for the case when the user syncs for the first time and all synced contacts are placed in Uncategorised group and cannot be seen in All Contacts group as well. From now on, when the user syncs the contacts, even if they are placed in Uncategorised group, the user will find them all in the All Contacts group as well.
  • Fixed the sorting of all contacts containing non-Latin characters (for example Japanese, Chinese, etc…). If an user provides Phonetic First and Last Name for those kind of contacts, the ContactsTap application will be able to automatically sort those contacts correctly.
  • Corrected the truncation of the long contact names at the main contatcs lits.
  • Handling contacts without First and Last name in the same way as the native iPhone contacts application does it. In this case ContactsTap will use some other information to present this contact in the main contacts list (such as: company name, email, phone number, nickname).

The next update 1.3 is on its way too. This update targets the speed of the application itself. Application will load the contacts from the address book only once (at the application startup) and, after that, it will use its memory representation, which will significantly boost the speed of the application. The goal of this fix is to speed the application enough so it can give to user a fast response regardless of how many contacts it has to deal with.
After this fix, we will add some new features to the application, such as: multi language support, managing contact events, searchable groups, automatic events reminders, etc.

ContactsTap Version 1.1 has been approved

ContactsTap update 1.1 has been approved and it is now available for download from the AppStore.
The next update 1.2 will be available soon (See the post below for ContactsTap Version 1.2 description).

ContactsTap Version 1.2 is being tested

The latest update 1.2 for the ContactsTap is being tested at the moment and it should be submitted to the Apple’s AppStore in a few days.

What’s new in this update

  • Fix for correct sorting of all contacts containing non latin characters (for instance Japanese, Chinese, etc…) in their names. The user will input the Phonetic First and Last Name and the ContactsTap application will use it automatically for sorting those contacts correctly.
  • Fix for the problem with syncing the contacts from the Outlook 2007.
  • Correct truncation of the long contact names at the main contacts lits.
  • Handling contacts without First and Last name in the same way as the native contacts application. In this case ContactsTap will use some other information to present this contact in the main contacts list (such as: company name, email, phone number, nick name).

Problem with syncing contacts with Outlook 2007

At the moment there is a problem with syncing contacts with Microsoft Outlook 2007 or Microsoft Exchange.
If the user syncs with Microsoft Exchange, the labels (like “work” or “mobile” or whatever) for each phone-number, email address or other contact data can and often will be NULL (and I mean really NULL, not just an empty string). This can be unexpected, because it’s not possible to create a contact whose numbers/email addresses have a NULL label using the Address Book (Mac) or Contacts (iPhone) UI’s.
This problems results in not showing the contacts at the main contacts list while the All Contacts group shows the correct contacts count.
We apologise for this inconvenience which has caused some frustrations among ContactsTap users who are using Windows and Outlook 2007. We have found a solution for this problem and currently we are testing the fix for this particular problem.
The fix for this problem will be included in feature update 1.2 which is due to be submitted to Apple’s AppStore in a few days.

ContactsTap: Version 1.1

Version 1.1 of the ContactsTap application was submitted to App Store on 10 May 2009. In case you have already purchased Version 1.0, this version will be available to you as a free update.

The application has been modified to be compatible with the new iPhone 3.0. The contacts search engine user interface part, which shows the search field in each table has been changed.

A few bugs were fixed, such as:

  • Adding new contacts or deleting them from the Uncategorized group
  • Showing No contacts label after we delete all contacts from the group
  • Removing No contacts label after we add a new contact to a group which did not have any contacts assigned to it before.