ContactsTap Version 1.2 is being tested

The latest update 1.2 for the ContactsTap is being tested at the moment and it should be submitted to the Apple’s AppStore in a few days.

What’s new in this update

  • Fix for correct sorting of all contacts containing non latin characters (for instance Japanese, Chinese, etc…) in their names. The user will input the Phonetic First and Last Name and the ContactsTap application will use it automatically for sorting those contacts correctly.
  • Fix for the problem with syncing the contacts from the Outlook 2007.
  • Correct truncation of the long contact names at the main contacts lits.
  • Handling contacts without First and Last name in the same way as the native contacts application. In this case ContactsTap will use some other information to present this contact in the main contacts list (such as: company name, email, phone number, nick name).

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