5.98 is in the store
– Contact delete using swipe or action menu delete option.
– Group SMS option when All Contacts are selected (on additional accounts like public Exchange folders).
Contacts manager for iOS
– Contact delete using swipe or action menu delete option.
– Group SMS option when All Contacts are selected (on additional accounts like public Exchange folders).
August 7, 2012 - 4:43 pm
Dear Sir,
How best to copy all my Contact Tap data
from my iPhone 3 to my iPhone 4
directly from i3 to i4
via my WiFi network
without using iTunes, iCloud , or similar?
In advance my sincere thanks
August 27, 2012 - 11:57 am
The only way to do this with ContactsTap is by exporting all contacts to a zip file with Export option available in ContactsTap settings. Then connect your device with iTunes and extract the exported zip file from ContactsTap (using App File share list). Unarchive zip file and you will get the VCF file.Send that VCF file as attachment to a mail to your self so you can pick it up with your new iPhone 4. Open that mail and tap on the attachment. iPhone will ask you if you want to import your contacts from the available vcf file. If you choose yes the import will start.
New release 6.0 which will be available soon will have an option of doing this over the air using you local WiFi. Also new app is coming to the AppStore which will have tons of options for backup, manipulating with backup files and retrieving same files back to your address book on your device. It will have tons of other options as well.