Side Menu

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If you select top left icon on main contacts list or swipe to the right (only from main contacts list) the side menu will popup from the left side of the screen. This menu shows all the options which on older version used to be on the bottom toolbar. We thought its good to have more extra space for the main contacts list (side menu allowed one extra row to be presented on the screen) and to make main contacts list simpler to use. Now all the options have titles with icons.
The position of all options is calculated automatically so they are easy to reach even with big iPhone screens on iPhone 6 and 6 plus.

The side menu contains the following options: Settings, Bookmark Mode, Contacts Actions, Calendar/Events, Tags, Favourites, Make a Call and Groups.


This option will show application settings where you can setup some of the app features and make app more personal. More about Settings you can read from this help in Settings section.

Bookmark Mode

This mode can be accessed if you are searching contacts within a certain source (for example MobileMe, Exchange, etc.) It cannot be accessed if you are searching for something within the All Contacts from All Sources mode.
The Bookmark Mode enables you to quickly create a new groups consisting of all contacts that share a common parameter. For example, if you were searching for contacts with the surname “Smith” within your MobileMe contacts, the app will display them all. Tap the Bookmark icon, and a new dialog will pop up where you can enter “Smith” and save all contacts with this surname, should you wish to do so.
This feature is especially useful if, for example, you want to instantly make a group of all people who work for the same company, etc.

Contacts Actions

This mode allows you to quickly delete contacts, organise contacts (Move/Remove/Copy or add them to favourites), setup contacts list and sort them.
Using Delete mode a list will appear, with an empty check button attached to every contact. You can then select as much contact you want. When you are done with selecting contacts choose cancel to cancel operation or confirm delete by pressing Delete button. NOTE: Once deleted, the contact cannot be restored, and needs to be re-added as a new contact.
Using Organise mode a list will appear, with an empty check button attached to every contact. You can then select as much contact you want. When you are done with selecting contacts use action button again and choose the the option which matches the action you want to apply to selected contacts (Move, Remove, Copy, Send email or message or add them to favourites).
Using sort option you can change the way list is sorted or list setup option to change the way each contact is presented in the list.


This option will show the monthly calendar view where you can see all the events for the current month (or events for the selected month). You can create new events with or without alerts/reminders.
To create a new event, tap the action button in the top right corner and select option “Add”. A new window will appear, where you can enter the following information: Title and Location of the event, Starts/Ends, Repeat, Invitees, Alert, Calendar, Availability and Notes. When you have entered all information, tap “Add” in the top right corner to save information and return to the Calendar view or “Cancel” to cancel adding new event.
To edit existing event just tap on it and when info screen of the event appears use top right option Edit to put the event into edit mode.

The calendar (Monthly view) will display a day with grey background if date has some events set.
To check the upcoming events, tap on the date with grey background, and ContactsTap will display a list of all events planned for that day.
Tap on the event to view its details or to edit it (events from birthdays calendar are read-only).
To delete an event, swipe across the event in the list and a new red button “Delete” will appear. Tap on that button to delete the event.
You can also tap on the top right action button and use “Today” option, to quickly access all events scheduled for today.

Tap “Done” in the top left corner to return to the contacts list.


This option will show you the list of defined tags and allow you to create new once. Tags can be a good way organising and grouping contacts. They are similar to groups. The difference is that tags can contain contacts from multiple accounts.


With this option you can group contacts you access the most. This way you can have them available fast right from the main screen.

Make a call

Tap to quickly access the dial-pad and dial any number. You will have to enter the number manually.
To close Dial-pad, just tap the “Close” icon in the bottom menu bar.


This option will show the Groups screen where you can choose groups and filter contacts by groups membership. More about Groups you can read from this help in Groups section.

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