Download release 5.90 for FREE between 16 and 18 November!

ContactsTap version 5.90 has just been approved and it is now available to download from AppStore. BETWEEN 16 AND 18 NOVEMBER ONLY, DOWNLOAD CONTACTSTAP FREE OF CHARGE!

We work hard to make ContactsTap the best utility app in the AppStore, and we really appreciate our users’ feedback. If you like and enjoy using ContactsTap, please rate and review it in AppStore. You can post a review, or tell a friend, directly from the app (go to Settings and scroll down to the bottom of the page).

However, if you are experiencing any issues with ContactsTap, or if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please do not downgrade ContactsTap in the App Store, but write to us first. Our tech support is active 24/7, and we will address your query in the shortest possible time. Email

Thank you, and enjoy using ContactsTap!

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