ContactsTap Version 3.5 Available Soon!

Before explaining all the new features of the 3.5 version, I wish to apologise to all ContactsTap users who have had issues with the 3.4 release, and also to thank those users who were kind enough to describe these issues in detail. It really wasn’t my fault: after launching iPhone 4.0 Apple asked all developers to make their applications compatible with the new device. However they failed to update the documentation and explain some of the background changes in the system, so although I tried my best to keep the new release compatible with the 3.1 devices, some users were experiencing problems.

Anyway I have investigated and fixed all the reported issues, and the new update 3.5 should be available for download very soon.

Here’s the list of fixed issues in the 3.5 release:

– The app crash when using ContactsTap on devices with 3.1.x iPhone OS.
– The inability to create Groups when the device is synced with your Exchange account.
– The problem with sorting contacts with non-Latin names when the phonetic sort option is enabled.
– The issue when Cancel button is pressed on Contacts Detail screen.
– The issue with adding/removing groups from Contact (when none of the assign groups can be seen in the list as highlighted text).
– As for showing address in map view when the connection is bad (so it takes forever to load the map). I have now limited it to 30 sec or the request will be invalidated.

I have also introduced some new features:

– In address map view we now have a button ‘Current Location’ which shows the user’s current location on the map.
– Sending text message to the group members (sending SMS to multiple contacts). Available only with iOS4.
– Sending text message to the selected contacts (sending SMS to multiple contacts selected from the list of all contacts). Available only with iOS4.
– Sending email to contacts using all types of emails (work, home, other, …) from contacts.
– Sending text message to contacts using all types of phone numbers (mobile, iPhone, home, …). Available only with iOS4.
– The action button in Group view is used now for distribution lists for emails and SMS.
– Accessory button in each group row ( small >) is used to show group action menu (thus simplifying previous group actions and managed groups feature).
– iOS 4 multitasking compatible. Available only with iOS4.

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