ContactsTap Version 1.3 has been rejected

Apple did not approve my latest submission to the AppStore (ContactsTap 1.3) because in some rare cases it is not compatible with iPhone 3.0 — which I think is not true because I did test it on iPhone SDK 3.0 beta 5.
To make the most out of the current situation, I have added one more feature which makes life easier if you wish to add some contacts which are not assigned to any group. Using the option Manage group members from Groups view you will see the action sheet dialog with option Add New Contacts (from list of all contacts), Remove some Contacts (if there are any in the group) and Add from Uncategorized (which will pop up if you have any contacts in Uncategorized group). This last option will show you only contacts from Uncategorized group so you can select contacts you want to add to a group of your choice. It is easier now because with this option you can filter list of available contacts to add in two ways using all contacts or just uncategorized contacts. If you sync your contacts from Outlook and you have not used Folders then all contacts shall be synced into Uncategorized group and now its easier to add them to appropriate groups in ContactsTap application.

ContactsTap release 1.3 is now being tested against the new iPhone 3.0 GM seed SDK so hopefully it will be resubmitted in a couple of days and be available for update the following week.


  1. Will this app allow me to sink my outlook contacts that already have catagories assigned to each contact (ie. suppliers, customers, prospect, family, business, etc…)? Or would i have to manually catagorize each contact individually? Also, would i be able to just check my contacts and see them already sorted by company name (for instance) without telling it to re-sort each time i want to look up something? Sorry, but i’m new to the iPod touch/iphone world. I miss my old PDA. Life was easier then.

  2. There is an option in ContactsTap for sorting main contact list by Company name. So if you use that option it shall be valid until you change it to First and Last name. This means that ContactsTap persist that data and it shall be valid even if you exit from the application and start it again. Last used option is current one for the next application session.

    About using Outlook and Windows for syncing contacts.
    ContactsTap is not responsible of syncing procedure. What you can sync to iPhone device and how iPhone device itself and iTunes sync your contacts at the same way ContactsTap shall present that data to you. The same is valid for the native iPhone contacts application.
    Outlook does not sync Categories.
    ContactsTap is not compatible with any 3rd party application, which deals with contacts syncing.
    On Windows, it is iTunes, which deals with Outlook syncing process. If you are using Windows and Outlook then all groups created at the ContactsTap application shall be synced at Outlooks Folders not Categories. Outlook Categories shall not be synced with iTunes. All contacts organized under Categories shall be synced under ‘Uncategorized’ group. Therefore, it is better to organize contacts under Folders if you want to have them converted to groups on iPhone. These are all Outlook issues and ContactsTap have no control over it. There is a known problem with syncing contacts trough Exchange, which again is an Exchange issue rather then ContactsTap issue.

    Using camera to take snapshots from the Edit Contacts feature can allocate a huge amount of memory and cause the iPhone OS to close the application. This is an iPhone SDK problem where Camera application takes too much memory.

    Sending SMS to multiple recipients (groups) currently is not supported due to restriction of the iPhone SDK. We shall add support for this feature as soon as Apple provides a support for it.

    Application does not support custom ringtones because iPhone SDK does not support it.
    Visit this URL and you can find a description of ContactsTap application along with all screenshots.

  3. Hello, I was wondering about the names of the contact groups, are they fixed or can i create my own titles?

  4. Yes you can create your own groups. From the main contact list tap on Groups button and the app shall navigate you to the groups view. There, tap on plus sign at the top right part of the screen and youll see new screen with one field at wich you can input the name of the new group. Tap on done button on keyborad and its done.

  5. There has to be a simple answer to this, but I can’t find it. How do I get the contacts to be sorted in Last Name, First Name order as in iPhone Contacts? As it stands, the contacts are sorted by First Name, Last Name. Even after I do some contacts managing with ContactsTap, they’re displayed in First Name, Last Name order in ContactsTap, but the group exists in iPhone Contacts with the contacts sorted in Last Name, First Name order. What am I missing? Thanks!

  6. Never mind… I figured it out. Had to set Contacts display for Last Name, First Name. iPhone contacts doesn’t care, but ContactsTap does.

  7. Yes you can create your own groups. From the main contact list tap on Groups button and the app shall navigate you to the groups view. There, tap on plus sign at the top right part of the screen and youll see new screen with one field at wich you can input the name of the new group. Tap on done button on keyborad and its done.

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