Category Archives: Uncategorized

FBContacts 2.1 is available in Mac AppStore now

Fixes in this release

  • Fixed Linked contacts option
  • Fixed sync for people which did not have year set in its birthday

New in this release

  • Added hometown as synced contacts property.
  • Added hometown field in app settings so we can toggle its usage in sync process.
  • App now uses user Facebook account set in Mac Settings under Internet Account.
  • App does not use any third party SDK to access users Facebook account as its rather now uses Mac OSX Social framework. This should solve some problems users reported with older version and logging.
  • Users now can revoke / allow app permission to use Facebook account in Mac OSX Privacy settings.

FBContacts 1.9 has been submitted

– Fixe problem with empty linked contacts list on next application launch.

FBContacts 1.8 is available at Apple’s Mac App Store

Fixes in this release

  • Application startup problem on systems older then 10.7.

FBContacts 1.7 has been approved

What’s New in this release

  • Application Sandboxing support.


  • Image overwrite problem when syncing.
  • Problem with birthdays without a year is fixed.


FBContacts 1.5 has been approved

new  FBContacts 1.5 has been approved.


Whats new

  • Sync process improved
  • Show Error Log option has been added, where user can see all errors per application session (errors occurred during logging or matching process).
  • Application is fully compatible with Lion
  • Support for Lion full screen feature has been added


  • No more duplicated fields after syn
  • Remove duplicates option is fixed
  • Some minor bug fixes

FBContacts 1.3 has been approved

FBContacts 1.3 has been approved.

Whats new

  • Fixed application crash during Match process which affected some of the users
  • Fixed minor UI issues in Contact Details screen if application is working on smaller display like on MacBook
  • Fixed the birthday issue where if birthday on Facebook is stored without year part, it was not used as valid date for syncing. Now those dates application handles by offering to the OS to add the default year to the birthdays (default year is 1970) so they can be synced with Address Book.

FBContacts 1.3 has been submitted

FBContacts 1.3 has been submitted to the Mac AppStore.

Whats new

  • Fixed application crash during Match process which affected some of the users
  • Fixed minor UI issues in Contact Details screen if application is working on smaller display like on MacBook
  • Fixed the birthday issue where if birthday on Facebook is stored without year part, it was not used as valid date for syncing. Now those dates application handles by offering to the OS to add the default year to the birthdays (default year is 1970) so they can be synced with Address Book.

FBContacts 1.1 has been approved

FBContacts 1.1 has been approved and it will be available in Mac AppStore from 6 January 2011.

This release fixes some problems which some of the users experienced during Match and Sync process.

FBContacts 1.0 has been approved

FBContacts 1.0 has been approved and it will be available in Mac AppStore from 6 January 2011.

Use it to sync your contacts with your Facebook friends.

FBContacts 1.0 has been submitted

FBContacts 1.0 has been submitted to the Mac AppStore.

The application should be available from the day when Apple opens the Mac AppStore on 6 january 2011.
Use this application to sync your Facebook friend’s data with your contacts on Mac. This is the easiest way to import / merge friends profile images as contacts photos in Address Book, to merge data that you missed in your contacts like (working history, friend’s current  location as address and lot more.