
With regret we have to announce that FBContacts will no longer be available on App Store. We decided to remove it from the App Store as Facebook changed the policy of using friends API for third party applications. Therefore, FBContacts and other apps are not able to read friends data and collect information which they could before. This affected FBContacts in a way that its not able any more to perform its original tasks and therefore is not usable as it was before. We apologise in advance to all users of FBContacts.

FBContacts is an application that loads your Facebook friends’ data and matches them with the contacts that you already have in your Address Book. When the contacts are matched you will be able to import data from Facebook friends’ pages, such as their profile image, name, work info(job title, company, …), birthday and lots more.
Before our application performs the synchronisation of your contacts with Facebook, it will show a report organised in three sections, which represents the result of the contacts matching process.
These sections are: Matched, Collision and Unmatched.
In these sections you can include or exclude additional contacts from the syncing process and also link or import contacts for which the application did not find a match.
FBContacts application is easy to use and we have included a detailed help file to enable you to use this application in a most productive way.
After you use our application to sync your contacts with Facebook, you can use iTunes to sync it all with your mobile device as well.