Login to your Facebook account

Before you start matching and syncing your contacts with Facebook you must be logged in to your Facebook account. You must also give permission to this application to read your friends’ data.
Use the toolbar button to login to Facebook using your credentials. After you log in, give permission to connect this application with your account. Giving permission to the application needs to be done only once until you revoke it.

How to login to your account.

Use this button to login to your Facebook account. The application will show the login page where you can type in your account credentials, and after you confirm them, it will ask you for permission to connect this application with your account.
After the login process is finished, another toolbar button will be enabled so you will be able to setup the application using Preferences option and to Start Matching your contacts.
The application will remember the login results, therefore, the next time you run the application, you will be automatically logged in until you explicitly logout using the same button.

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